Leib Stahl GmbH & Co. KG

As a national supplier of steel construction and mechanical engineering industry the aspects of our business sectors are oxygas cutting of structural steel plates according to customer specifications, prefabrication of steel plates for heavy duty welded constructions, crane and bridge constructions, as well as for the construction of pressure vessels.

We are entitled to re-stamp materials and products for constructions that require monitoring.

We constantly check the procedures and results of our production to enhance the quality of delivery of our products and the performance of our company, so that our costumers are able to integrate our product spectrum into their own manufacturing structure in an optimal way.


steel, flame cutting, trade, engineering, constructional steel


Leib Stahl GmbH & Co. KG
Stahlgroßhandlung | Brenn- und Schneidbetrieb
Hartmannstrasse 5
44147 Dortmund
Phone: +49 231 8808892-0
Fax: +49 231 8808892-10
E-Mail: info(at)leibstahl.de
Web: www.leibstahl.de

contact person:

Nils Demuth
E-Mail: nils.demuth(at)leibstahl.de

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